Residential Pier & Dock Permits
Ecco has been involved with various levels of pier & dock design and restoration in both fresh and salt water. We have permitted everything from simple pier repairs of caps, stringers and decking, all the way to brand new piers with covered moorage. Regulations on piers have become very stringent and agencies often dictate the size and configurations of new and restored piers. However, our experience and team approach to the design have allowed for functional and attractive piers that add to your property’s aesthetic and overall value while still meeting the strict guidelines of the governing agencies.
Commercial Piers & Marinas
Ecco has been involved in a number of large commercial pier and marina projects. They have ranged from emergency repair work due to storm and fire damage to new dry boat storage for over 640 boats. Due to our working relationship with the agencies, we’ve been able to develop long-term maintenance repair permitting processes which allow marinas to plan for 5 to 10 years of work without having to go through the complicated permitting process each time something needs to be done. We have also developed excellent relationships with engineers and contractors with whom we take a team approach to the design and permitting process, allowing for timely and successful projects.
Watercraft Lifts
Watercraft lifts have developed over the years from bulky and cumbersome steel apparatuses that could only lift a boat, to sleek, well-engineered structures that can lift a variety of watercraft. The new lifts allow not only for translucent canopies, but also fully grated jet-ski and kayak platforms strong enough to stand on, making it much easier for people to get in and out of the watercraft. We have also permitted watercraft lifts that can rotate an aircraft a full 360 degrees, allowing planes to easily maneuver in and out of tight areas.
Floating Home Development
Floating homes are a unique and dynamic way of life in Seattle. Ecco was awarded the opportunity to renovate an existing commercial boat sales marina on Lake Union into a new floating home moorage marina for separate floating homes. The project included the removal of a number of large overwater structures, in-water rail systems and a dry boat lift station. We worked closely with all the governing agencies and developed a close monitoring plan of shoreline and lakebed clean-up complete with underwater video analysis of the lakebed before and after clean-up. A large scale shoreline planting plan was developed as part of the process to aid in the restoration of shoreline habitat and migration runs. The development has revitalized an area of the shoreline that had slowly deteriorated due to unmonitored commercial business and a decline in the boat sales industry.
Shoreline Restoration
Shoreline restoration projects range from the simple repair of an existing sheet & rock bulkhead to the overall improvement of a waterfront property through the addition of beach coves and native planting. With well-planned design, gathering and entertainment places can be created for owners and their guests at the water’s edge. Ecco has been developing new strategies for the protection and enhancement of an owner’s property while also protecting and restoring our valuable northwest habitat.