ECCO (Italian) “This is it!” “Lo! And behold!” “Ah ha!”
Troy Hussing and Chip Kouba worked together for seven years before forming ECCO Architecture and Design in 2000 as a small firm specializing in residential and shoreline architecture. Ours is a service-based firm with the conviction that quality personal service to our clients is the surest path to success on any project.
As our name implies we believe that discovery is a key component of architectural service: discovering both the goals of our clients and the built form inspired by those goals. These “Ecco” moments are what invigorate the project team and result in successful projects.
Design: We are not a firm known for a particular style; instead we find inspiration in each client’s aesthetic & each site’s unique properties.
Commitment: We are dedicated to quality personal service.
Efficiency: Great design can inspire; great design that’s way over budget or terribly behind schedule can despair. We work hard to achieve the former.
Innovation: We strive to integrate innovative materials and technologies, as well as sustainable methods and materials in our practice.